Exceptional Denver & Boulder Chiropractors at Zandi Chiropractic LLC

Fascial Distortion Model (FDM)

The fascial distortion model (FDM), developed by Stephen Typaldos, D.O., is an anatomical perspective in which the underlying etiology of virtually every musculoskeletal injury (and many neurological and medical conditions as well) is considered to be comprised of one or more of six specific pathological alterations of the body’s connecting tissues (fascial bands, ligaments, tendons, retinacula, etc.). This model not only allows for strikingly effective manipulative treatments for diverse afflictions such as pulled muscles, fractures and frozen shoulders, but the results are objective, obvious, measurable and immediate. As a national instructor for this technique Dr. Zandi has become an expert in treating musculoskeletal pain.

What are types of FDM procedures?

  1. Triggerbands – therapist put a pressure by the thumb along the presented pathway.
  2. Continuum Distortions – therapist put a pressure by the thumb at the exact place of feeling of pain.
  3. Folding Distortions – therapist conduct traction or compression of the affected joint.
  4. Herniated Triggerpoint – therapist put a pressure by the thumb at the place where HTP occurs.
  5. Cylinder Distortions – therapist compress and stretch by the hands affected area.
  6. Tectonic Fixation – Therapist compress and stretch affected area by the hands or tools like vacuum bubble.

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